Christian View of Euthanasia

In 2015, the North Gauteng High Court ruled that Robert Stransham-Ford was permitted to commit medically-assisted suicide. Because he died a day before the ruling, the Supreme Court has ruled the case invalid. Definition: The term “euthanasia,” comes from two Greek terms, eu meaning “happy, good,” and thanatos meaning “death.” Typically in our...

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Christian View of Abortion (Part 2)

Medical/Scientific Proof that an Unborn Child is Human 1. At the moment of conception the sperm fertilizes the egg, and a dramatic and instantaneous change occurs. These two cells form a new cell, which has a genetic uniqueness, completeness and wholeness as a one-celled zygote. Such a zygote formed at conception has...

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Christian View of Abortion

History The practice of abortion has been common throughout history. However, many cultures considered abortion to be a serious crime. Part of the Hippocratic Oath, which most doctors endorse, states in part, “I will not give a woman a [drug] to produce an abortion.” The Jewish people were historically against the practice, as...

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